星期三, 9月 16, 2009

泡泡車|Design of the day: Bubble for the Future

It is made for different situations. we can change the shape of the car for narrower, wider road or parking place. kind of fun :)


星期二, 9月 08, 2009

無用的設計 | Useless design


I don't know if the designer just wanted to do something for the blind or not. If not, this is a absolute useless design. If I want to check how much water is left, I will just open the cover... =.=

每日設計 | Design of the day


It is very important to think more for the user, so-called user centered design. If we image how difficult it is to execute daily tasks with just one hand, we will know how great this design is :)

星期三, 8月 26, 2009

無線電力|Wireless Electricity

Wireless electricity would be the biggest innovation in the next, that what I could certainly say. Now we have almost everything wireless: mouse, internet, earphone, cell phone...and so on. But what really limit out mobility is the "power supply". What ewe can have now is 8 hours max for the Laptop. But with wireless power there will be a real mobility for human being in the future.

星期一, 8月 17, 2009

網軍的力量| The power of internet against catastrophe

The typhoon Morakot brought more than 2000 mm rain in a day and lead to the biggest floods since 50 years, which damaged Taiwan very hard and took hundred of life. I felt very sad and sorry when I saw the pics in the TV. We have tried to do our best to help these people by spending and shipping them sleeping bag, food, water and so on.

During the rescue actions I have realized how big is the power of internet. The internet user have done their best to collect and deliver all the information they got, way more faster than the any other media. Some people have collected the damage allocation in Taiwan.

Some people have sent the informations where the victims are, what they need and where we could deliver these things to them.

The most important connection to spread these information and reach the people all arround Taiwan is: plurk The speed is so amazing that we could almost say that these kind of mini blog the the core of both side communication, very fast and wide. Though plurk is not so easy to user at beginning, but still way more faster than to write an article like this. I think this is just the start of plurk and twitter. Let's see.

God bless Taiwan.