星期一, 9月 03, 2007

Hang is going home !!!

hello every one,

i am going to fly home on 5th. september and back to germany again on 24th...

my travel plan is lik ethis:

5th - 9th in singapore

10th - 13th in shin-chu, taiwan

13th afternoon in tao-wuang, taiwan

14th - 16th in taipei

17th - 24th in kaohsiung at home ;D

(i will be in tainan, on 19th 0r 20th...)

ps. the pic is about a strong typhoon, which visited taiwan recently...

if anyone is there, just catch me...or call +886 (7) 2227863

see u


1 則留言:

匿名 提到...

yes... amazing post!