星期一, 10月 01, 2007

a clean way to create electricity...

the biggiste problem of mobility for me is not the internet signal, but the electricity.
it limits how long u can use ur mobile device on the way.

now the MIT, schcool of achitecture and planning, just introduced a way to create electricity in a nature and simple way : through the human movement.

this project called "crowd farm"

it means, through continuous movement of crowd to produce the eletricity. here is an example:
there are thousend, millions of people walking through / at the central station in NYC. if we can transform this huge amount of movement into electricity, it can be the solution of the energy short or wireless energy for the future.

what they have done is: they made every piece of flagging moveable. every step of human will move the flagging and create a certain energy. it is little, but with continuous thousands of steps, it is a real feasible solution.

the original article.
