星期五, 1月 02, 2009

型與意|Form and Meaning

It is my habit to search something new or interesting gadgets automatically, no matter where I am. Last time, I rode my bike in the city and found a "Biker" coffee shop (It means, you can park your bike inside of the shop). So I picked up some magazines and turned the page around. As usual, I memorized some, that were cool for me.

 I didn't sort these photos right away after arriving home, but weeks later. Something interesting happened, I can't even remember, why I chose these at that moment. For me, most of them are just some boring and normal stuff, while I am writing this article. They were attractive at the first second, but this kind of feeling is very short. It can just be couple days. 

So what kind of job as designer we are doing? To create a fancy stuff with a cool looking? To attract the consumer to buy a certain product and regret his decision later? YES, I have to admit, that the purpose of designing a product at some stage is to make the selling better! If the consumer doesn't buy it, they won't know it is a good product. But it is a very low level of design, if we just think how can we create a COSMETIC value. Consumer is not a fool (remember, we are also consumers.) They buy, they use, they know and they realize, what kind of product they have bought. 

If we look at the products below, a desktop, a camera, a solar fan, a lamp and a car. The core spirit of some products (desktop, camera, car...) hasn't been change for a decade. After 6 months, they won't be important for the owner any more. People will find a better one to replace them, especially the desktop and camera. 

Because they didn't create any deeper meaning to interact with the user. They are just a nice product with skin, not soul. The only one I still like is the lamp. Because it is really an unique design, which links deeply to the emotional level of us. It is really fun to look at it, simple but meaningful. How do you think? 
